Hard Time Finding Cool Gifts for Beer Lovers?
You have come to the right place! Coming from the wife of a total microbrew lover, I feel your pain. I have had a few winners, but a few losers as well.
A History of Failed & Successful Beer Enthusiasts Gifts
Boulevard Wheat BBQ Grill

For my husband’s 35th birthday, I wanted to surprise him with something super extra special and unique. Seems easy enough, right? Ah yeah, no. I spent nearly 4 hours searching for the perfect gift. After nearly giving up, I decided to pop into the local pawn shop up the street from our house. Feeling extremely deflated of confidence, I was going to try one last place.
As soon as I walked in the door….blamo. There it was. Something I had NEVER seen before anywhere! A BBQ grill shaped like a big yellow can of Boulevard Wheat. OMG! To further investigate the uniqueness of my masterful find, I Googled it. Nothing. None.
To make my successful craft beer enthusiast husband gift even better, I secured my awesomeness by filling it with his favorite micro-brew beers! To this gift, I got a very gracious Facebook posting of “THANK YOU! Awesome beertacular birthday!”
Whew! ~brow swipe~ One down, hundreds of further Father’s Day, birthdays and Christmas beer enthusiast gift searches to go!
The Home Brewing Kit for the Craft Beer Enthusiast

I was 100% sure this would be the end-all best beer enthusiast gift ever and it was so simple. I hoped in my car, drove up to the local Beer Enthusiasts – Craft Beers at Home shop that was right up the street. I walked in the door, picked up the extra large kit and a couple of ready made boxes of ingredients. One was for a raspberry wheat and another for an oatmeal stout. I knew he would frequently order these layered at our local brewery.
I got it home, he unwrapped it and seemed thrilled – ready to go! Hello monthly beer savings and instant hobby for hubby!
The kit is still sitting in storage. Why? Why? WHY ME? Why is shopping for my craft beer enthusiast husband so damned difficult!
The Brew with the Masters Gift Certificate
This one seemed to strike a nerve with my craft beer enthusiast husband. It had the makings of the best beer enthusiast gift idea to save the world! He got to go brew beer with the experts at their own personal microbrew…with a friend! Large screen televisions and enough craft beer brewing options to choke a clydesdale horse! All he had to do was simply schedule in one of the open time slots!
The gift certificate is still on the refrigerator. I know he will go but I suppose I assumed it would be right away!!!!
Craft Beer Scented Candles for the Beer Enthusiasts
How can I go wrong??? I partnered up with one of the most respected candlemakers in town who just so happened to be looking for something TOTALLY DIFFERENT to do with candles! First, I ran the idea by my husband and he thought it was a great idea (as long as the craft beer scented candles didn’t smell girly but like real craft beer.) He had a spectacular point! Enough with the lavender, lemon pie, vanilla bean candle and in with the barley and hops!
Now we have something we and both enjoy and share together! Problem solved!!!!
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